So I just want to return to before I installed CSR Harmony Wireless Software Stack, I'm thinking I have to do restore point on windows 10 to earlier date. Also I have tried setting CSR_BTPORT_01 as generic bluetooth adapter but gives This Device Cannot Start (Code 10). I have tried letting windows update search for updated drivers through update driver in Device Manager but Windows cannot find drivers for your device.

In device manager it is under Other Devices as CSR_BTPORT_01, I tried reinstalling using CSR Harmony Wireless Software Stack but it says the CSR Harmony Wireless Software Stack.msi is missing, and search for it but it cannot be found. Then once installed it lost my phone and dongle in bluetooth under windows 10 in Bluetooth and other devices settings, saying Dongle driver is unavailable and Galaxy s9+ Bluetooth is turned off. which was the CSR Harmony Wireless Software Stack. All you need to do is connect the device to your computer (make sure to connect it directly to a USB port directly on your computer, do not use HUBs or USB slots on keyboards or other peripherals) and configure your Bluetooth settings manager found in the System Preferences of your Mac computer.I bought the TP-LINK UB400 Bluetooth 4.0 Nano USB Adapter yesterday got it working perfectly, today I decided to stupidly download the driver for it There is no additional software installation process needed. The product is plug and play, ready to go right out of the box. The CD contains optional Bluetooth stack drivers for Windows users only. The Bluetooth adapter does not require any driver installation for a Mac computer, as the Bluetooth stack software is already preinstalled with your operating system.

BTA8000 A6 version (no engravement): Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP Usb Bluetooth Driver Csr Harmony free download - Bluetooth Driver 5.zip, BlueTooth Driver and Application 5.zip, CSR USB Bluetooth Device in DFU State, and many more programs.